An accident involving a bus/van transporting a Buffalo State athletic team and/or students can happen at any time of the day, any day of the week, in any weather conditions on any type of road surfaces.

Every member of the Buffalo State community traveling by bus/van should be familiar with how to evacuate the vehicle in case of emergency.

The Athletic Department will maintain a record of the names of all the Buffalo State athletes, coaches, staff, and students traveling to an athletic event.

For non-athletic student group travel, the Assistant Dean of Student Leadership and Engagement or the Associate Director of Student Leadership and Engagement will notify the Buffalo State Emergency Manager prior to travel and provide:

  • Number of students, faculty and staff traveling
  • Destination
  • Dates of departure and return

The Assistant Dean of Student Leadership and Engagement will maintain a record of the names of all the Buffalo State students, faculty and staff traveling for non-athletic event. A “Student Organization Behavior Contract and Liability Release Form” will be completed prior to travel. This form will be signed by each trip participant and submitted to Student Leadership and Engagement two (2) weeks prior to departure.

Students traveling with the United Student Government (USG) will complete the “USG Student Organization Travel Policy” form prior to traveling.

Accident Involving an Athletic Team

  • The Buffalo State Athletic Director will inform UPD and the Dean of Students, who will inform the VPFM and the President.           
    -Family notifications will be made.
    -VPFM and Incident Commander, along with Emergency Manager, will consider activating the EOC.
    -Marketing and Communications will inform the campus community and will update the media if necessary.
  • The head coach or designee will serve as the on-scene point of contact.
  • Any Buffalo State athlete, staff of student transported to a hospital/medical center will be accompanied by a staff member (i.e. athletic trainer).      
  • The Athletic Director, or designee, will account for anyone admitted and/or released from a hospital/medical center and will keep the Dean of Students informed of the status.
  • If necessary, Athletic Department will make arrangements with the transportation company to provide transportation back to the Buffalo State campus.  
  • A campus Reunification Center will be established at the Houston Gym
    -Family members will be notified by Marketing and Communications regarding reunification.
    -All athletes and students will be accounted for upon returning to campus as well as when they are reunited with family/leave campus.
    -Mental health counselors will be made available to anyone in need of counseling.

Accident Involving a Student Club

  • Assistant Dean of Student Leadership and Engagement will inform UPD and the Dean of Students, who will inform VPFM and the President.
    -Family notifications will be made.
    -VPFM and Incident Commander, along with Emergency Manager, will consider activating the EOC.
    -Marketing and Communications will inform the campus community and will update the media if necessary.
  • Any Buffalo State student, faculty, or staff transported to a hospital/medical center will be accompanied by a staff member.
  • The Assistant Dean of Student Leadership and Engagement, or designee, will account for anyone admitted and/or released from a hospital/medical center and will keep the Dean of Students informed of the status.
  • If necessary, the Student Leader and Engagement department will make arrangements with the transportation company to provide transportation back to the Buffalo State campus.
  • A campus Reunification Center will be established at the Houston Gym
    -Family members will be notified by Marketing and Communications regarding reunification.
    -All athletes and students will be accounted for upon returning to campus as well as when they are reunited with family/leave campus.
    -Mental health counselors will be made available to anyone in need of counseling.