Frequently Asked (EH&S) Questions (FAQs):
How can I determine the maximum capacity of a physical space?
Concerned that your space, whether it be a dining area, spectator area, performance area or classroom is overcrowded? EH&S (878-5447) can provide a professional evaluation of your space and determine the maximum capacity for you.
My fire extinguisher is missing, damaged or un-checked, can you help?
EH&S personnel perform monthly inspects of over 1400 fire extinguishers currently in place in strategic locations throughout campus. These locations are dictated by local, state and federal laws. In addition, our discretion is used to be certain that areas are equipped with extinguishers. Contact EH&S 878-5447 at any time if there is any concern about a fire extinguisher.
Do I need an asbestos evaluation of my area before I can replace my carpeting?
Contact EH&S 878-6128 for an asbestos evaluation of the materials that will be impacted by replacing your carpeting. EH&S will take samples of materials, such as carpet mastic, floor tile, floor tile mastic, cove base, cove base mastic and any other material that may contain asbestos. An evaluation will be made, and the appropriate measures will be taken to ensure the work is performed properly.
How do I dispose of waste chemicals?
Refer to the "BSC Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines and Removal Request Form" (on the EH&S policies and procedures webpage). Directions can be found on the second page of the form. More information on waste disposal can be found on the EH&S Lab and Waste Management webpage or by contacting EH&S at 878-6128.
Does the campus wireless network (Wi-Fi) pose a radiation hazard to my health?
The campus Radiation Safety Committee has concluded that the wireless networks present at Buffalo State College do not present a hazard to persons working or otherwise spending time in college buildings. For more information refer to the Radiation Safety webpage or the Wi-Fi Radiation Statement issued by the committee.
I think I have bed bugs in my dorm room. What should I do?
The U.S. EPA and Center for Disease Control have issued a joint statement citing bed bugs as a rapidly increasing problem. The statement also indicates bed bugs are not known to transmit disease. However, bed bugs are unacceptable to many people. For guidance and recommended practices to control bed bugs refer to the EH&S practices and procedure for prevention and control of bed bugs.