Never cover a smoke detector in any room, for any reason

Although the potential for fire always exists, training and awareness are effective elements in reducing the risk of injury, loss of life, and damage to property. When a fire alarm sounds, please follow the instructions detailed below.

Remember: Always treat every fire alarm like it is a real fire.

Every student, faculty member and staff member should familiarize themselves with at least 2 exits in each building.

If a fire alarm rings, Get Up and Get Out immediately.

Fire/Smoke Evacuation Procedures

Learn at least two escape routes, and emergency exits from your area.

Never use an elevator as part of your escape route.

When the fire alarm sounds leave the building by the nearest stairwell or exit, DO NOT use elevators. Move to the predetermined outside rally point for your building and stay with your office or classroom group. Follow instructions from University Police. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so.

If you see Fire or Smoke

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station. DO NOT hesitate to pull a fire alarm upon noticing fire and/or smoke.
  • When the alarm sounds, immediately evacuate the building by the nearest stairwell or exit; DO NOT use elevators.
  • If safe to do so, close all doors in the fire area to confine fire and smoke.
  • If individuals with special needs/mobility issues are in the area, help them evacuate the building ONLY IF you feel your life is not in immediate danger. If you are unable to help them, seek professional firefighting personnel and inform them of the location of the person(s)
  • Once outside, call University Police at 716-878-6333. Give your location, the nature of the fire, and your name.
  • In order to account for all individuals after a building evacuation, it is important for all evacuees to meet at their buildings predetermined rally point and remain with their office or classroom group.

Fire Safety Tips

  • If you are caught in smoke, stay as close to the ground as possible (crawl). Use the wall as a guide. Take short breaths through your nose.
  • Feel any closed door before you open it. If the door or door handle is hot, DO NOT open it.
  • Go to the nearest exit or stairwell. Do NOT use the elevator.

If you are trapped and cannot escape

  • Keep the doors closed and seal any cracks to prevent smoke from entering.
  • Signal for help by hanging a towel, sheet, jacket etc. from the window. Contact University Police at 716-878-6333 and tell them your exact location.
  • Try to remain clam.

If you are on fire:

  • Stop, Drop and Roll. Rolling smothers the fire. If your clothes catch on fire; stop, drop, and roll, wherever you are. Cover your face with your hands to protect yourself from additional burns.

Participate in Fire Drills

Buffalo State holds Fire Drills four (4) times per calendar year. Fire Drills are held to familiarize students, faculty, and staff with the sound of a building’s fire alarm, the emergency exits which you may not normally use, and the location of the rally point for the building. It is important, before the emergency occurs; to know where additional exits are in case your primary exit is blocked. Everyone should know at least 2 ways out of each building that they are in throughout the day.

Fire Extinguishers

If a fire is small enough to be extinguished and you have had fire extinguisher training, you may decide to use a portable fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Remember the “PASS” method when using a fire extinguisher. Always be certain of your exit, and do not try to fight a fire that is larger than a small trash can. Make sure the fire is not between you and your exit.

  • Pull the Pin.
  • Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the handle.
  • Sweep the nozzle back and forth at the base of the fire.