MS4 Permit
A Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit, issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC), regulates storm water discharged from the campus storm drainage system into nearby Scajaquada Creek. The goal of this program is to eliminate pollutant entry into storm water drainage. Through education, training, practices, procedures, and engineering and structural controls, we strive to minimize the release of pollutants into storm water run-off from the campus.
Help keep our campus attractive by properly disposing of litter, waste, and reporting spills to the Facilities Operations and Key Center at 878-6111.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
The campus storm water program includes implementation of six (6) minimum measures specified by the MS4 permit:
* Public Education and Outreach;
* Public Participation;
* Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination;
* Construction Site Run-off Management;
* Post Construction Stormwater Management; and
* Operations and Maintenance Pollution Prevention and Housekeeping.
Prohibition Policy for Non-Storm Water into Campus Storm Sewer Drains
You may notice the phrase "Only Rain Down the Drain" stenciled around many of the campus storm water drain inlets. A separate storm water drainage collection system conveys storm water run-off from campus grounds and buildings directly to Scajaquada Creek. Scajaquada Creek, which receives untreated storm water discharges from many properties and entities along its watershed, is listed by the NYS DEC as an "impaired" waterway due elevated levels of the following "Pollutants of Concern":
* Oil and floating substances (a.k.a. floatables);
* Phosphorus; and
* Fecal coliform (a.k.a. pathogens).
An "impairment" designation listing indicates Scajaquada Creek cannot meet its designated best usages (fish propagation & survival, swimming, etc.) due to excessive pollutant levels.
Pathogens include fecal coliform and other bacteria, which can cause sickness or disease outbreaks in wildlife, aquatic organisms, and humans if ingested. Raw sewage, animal feces, and decaying dead organic matter are often sources of pathogens.
Floatables include grease and other solids capable of creating a floating film over the water. Floatables can contain pathogens, pesticides, and concentrated metals, which can be harmful to fish and wildlife that rely on the creek for survival.
Phosphorus is a substance often found in fertilizers, tree leaves, and soil and can cause excessive algae growth in waterways, which can block sunlight and reduce oxygen levels needed for aquatic organisms to survive.
The NYS DEC MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) permit specifies an "Illicit Discharges" as any discharge into a separate storm sewer system (MS4) that is not entirely composed of stormwater, with the exception of certain allowable non-storm water sources. The permit also allows SUNY Buffalo State to designate any other non-permitted discharge as an illicit discharge. A few examples of illicit discharges include vehicle, or equipment spills or leaks that migrate into the storm sewer system, illegal dumping of materials, wastes, or wastewater directly into the storm sewer system, and storm-run-off those contacts, mobilizes and carries contaminants from material stockpiles or muddy construction sites into the storm sewer drains.
Help keep our campus attractive by properly disposing of litter, waste, and reporting spills. Authorization requests or other inquiries regarding non-storm water disposal should be directed to the EH&S Office at 716.878.6136.
As required by the NYS DEC MS4 permit, SUNY Buffalo State maintains and implements a Stormwater Enforcement Response Plan to enforce the illicit discharge prohibition. The enforcement plan is a component of the SUNY Buffalo State's Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Plan, which is required by the MS4 permit. The SWMP Plan can be viewed during normal business hours by contacting Facilities Maintenance operations center at 716.878.611.
As required by the MS4 Permit, SUNY Buffalo State University prepares an annual report documenting the campus storm water management program and storm water pollution prevention efforts over the previous year. A draft storm water report for the annual period, ending January 2nd of each year, is made available for public comment through this notice posted on this website. Additional notices are also issued in the campus news ("Daily Bulletin") email during the open comment period each year. This website and the other issued notices provide instructions for submitting comments and/or requesting a public meeting during the open public review and comment period, which ends on or about March 15th each year.
At the close of the public comment period, the draft report is finalized to address public notice requirements and incorporate public comments as needed before it is submitted to the NYS DEC by April 1st each year. In addition, each year SUNY Buffalo State University is required to submit two certifications of compliance with MS4 permit. An interim progress certification is submitted to NYS DEC before October 1st and again by April 1st (submitted with the final annual report).
During the open comment period for the annual report, written comments, questions and/or requests for a public meeting on the report may be submitted to:
Storm Water Coordinator, Clinton Center-Room 209, SUNY Buffalo State University, 1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York 14222-1095.
Alternatively, written comments may be submitted via e-mail to:
Comments received on the draft annual report are reviewed and incorporated into the Storm Water Management (SWMP) Plan. More information on this Plan is available on our SWMP Plan webpage
To view annual reports:
Draft Annual Report (available during the open public review period).
Final Annual Report (for most recent completed annual period).
As required by the MS4 permit, SUNY Buffalo State University has prepared a Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) Plan that documents and details the activities and measures that will be implemented to meet the terms and conditions of the MS4 permit for preventing storm water pollution.
SUNY Buffalo State completed updates to its SWMP Plan by July 1, 2024, to align with the MS4 Permit GP-0-24-001, which became effective January 3, 2024. SUNY Buffalo State University performs an annual review of the SWMP Plan starting after the end of the reporting year on January 2nd and completes necessary updates to the plan by April 1st of each year. In addition, updates to the plan are made more frequently as identified in the specific requirements within the MS4 permit.
The public is invited to review the hard copy written SWMP plan upon completion of the annual review and updates to the plan. A hard copy of the current SWMP Plan is available for public inspection at the SUNY Buffalo State Clinton Center during normal business hours, 8 am – 3:45 pm Monday through Friday except holidays (ask the front desk in the Maintenance of Key Center Office or call 716.878.6111 or 878.4038.
The public is also invited to participate in the development, implementation, and update of the SWMP plan. Messages are distributed electronically through the Daily Bulletin and printed materials (brochures). If you have questions or would like to provide comments/input to help us improve the campus SWMP, please contact us:
By mail:
Storm Water Coordinator, Environmental Health and Safety Office - CCTR Room 209, SUNY Buffalo State University, 1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo New York 144222-1095.
By Email:
Construction project sites disturbing one (1) acre or more of soil within the SUNY Buffalo State University operated MS4 storm sewershed are required to have a separate construction activity storm water permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Agencies or other 3rd parties operating the construction site are also required to have a written site-specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPP) Plan, prepared by trained professionals, to prevent pollution of storm water run-off. The project managing agencies or other 3rd parties, including contractors, are required to install and maintain the storm water pollution control measures specified in the SWPP plan. Copies of the NYS DEC issued permit and the SWPP Plan are required to be kept at the work site.
Trained SUNY Buffalo State University personnel (or Buffalo State’s contracted designees) review the SWPP Plans for compliance and conduct compliance field inspections at the work sites routinely and in response to concerns about work site storm water run-off reported by the public. The site inspections are performed to check and help ensure storm water pollution controls are installed and maintained by the agency or other 3rd party contractors in compliance with the specifications identified in the SWPP Plan.
The complaints regarding contamination of storm water run-off from construction sites can be reported by:
Phone: 716.878.4038 (normal business hours Mon.-Fri., 8 am-4 pm).
The SUNY Buffalo State Office of Community and Civic Engagement coordinates student and staff volunteer participation in community service activities, which include clean-up projects in the neighboring community during the fall or spring. These events often draw hundreds of volunteers each year.
If you would like to volunteer to help with outfall dry weather inspections or storm drain stenciling to increase public awareness of the need for storm water pollution prevention, contact the Storm Water Coordinator at 716.878.6136.
Campus students, employees, visitors, contractors and vendors are invited to complete the campus storm water survey: Take Stormwater Pollution Prevention Survey.
The goal of the survey is to educate the public on campus SWP2 efforts and to receive public feedback for campus administration to evaluate the effectiveness of the campus SWP2 program.
Thanks to all, including those who participated in the survey solicitations held at the Student Union and in classrooms during the winter months, for helping us improve the environment.
Storm Water Hotline
To report an "Illicit Discharge" or concern regarding construction activity storm water run-off, contact EH&S at 716.878.6136. For spills or leaks contact Facilities Maintenance operations center at 716.878.6111, who will dispatch spill clean-up personnel. To report illegal dumping notify University Police at 716.878.6333.
Policies and Procedures for Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Key ingredients for an effective storm water pollution prevention (SWP2) and control program include active implementation of good housekeeping, education and outreach, spill notification, control, and prevention measures. Written policies and procedures for spill prevention and response, SWP2, including litter and illicit discharge prohibitions for the campus are viewable on the EH&S Policies and Procedures page.