Radiation Safety

Radiation safety includes the management of radiactive materials in a secure and protective manner to ensure protection of campus faculty, staff, students and visitors.  The EH&S Radiation Safety Officer, chairs the Campus Radiation Safety Committee, which sets the policies and procedures for the management and control of radioactive materials in accrdance with applicable requirements of the U.S. NRC and the NYS Departments of Labor, Health, and Environmental Conservation.

Radiation Safety Program

The campus Radiation Safety program includes:


Emergency Response

Lab Inspections

Leak Tests

NYSDOH Inspections

Radioactive Materials Safety

Radiation Safety Committee

Survey Meter Calibrations


X-Ray Equipment inspections.

Contact EH&S at 878-6128 if there are any questions on radioactive material or radiation.

Wi-Fi Position

The Radiation Safety Committee has concluded that the wireless networks present at Buffalo State College do not present a hazard to persons working or otherwise spending time in college buildings.  This conclusion was based on a review of literature, studies, and the results of radiation surveys associated with wireless networks.  The committee's review has found the general consensus of the scientific community is that the level of RF exposure due to wireless networks is so low compared to the many other RF sources in the modern environment that health concerns from Wi-Fi exposure are not an issue. For more detailed information refer to the Wi-Fi position statement issued by the Radiation Safety Committee.